OUR kidneys plays a critical role in our overall health, Any damage or disease that affects them can have serious, long-term effects on your health, ranging from severe high blood pressure to kidney failure.
Nephrologists and our physicians work together and with you to find the right care plan for your diagnosis and lifestyle.
We Treat Kidney Disorders like :
Acute kidney Failure.
Chronic kidney Failure.
End Stage Renal Disease.
Kidney Stones.
Hereditary kidney Disease.
Glomerular Diseases.
Electrolyte disorders.
Tubulointerstitial diseases.
Dialysis Programs.
When your kidneys can no longer function on their own, Dialysis treatment – the use of a machine or a special cleaning solution to filter wastes from the blood – is essential for survival.
Peritoneal Dialysis & Intermittent Haemodialysis