Blood transfusions are essential in saving countless lives each year. The Blood Bank and Component Centre at our hospital serves as a regional hub for organising blood donation camps. It is equipped with advanced technology, including automatic temperature monitors, digital readout systems, and automated alarms, ensuring continuous temperature surveillance. This guarantees the safety and quality of the blood and its components issued from the Blood Bank, maintaining the highest standards of care for patients.
Services Provided:
Round-the-clock transfusion services.
Facilities for the issue of whole blood, packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrates, and cryoprecipitate.
Pediatric /Divided blood units.
Direct and Indirect Coombs test (Antiglobulin test).
Kleihauer Betke’s test for the detection of fetomaternal hemorrhage in Rh incompatibility.
Services :
Whole Human Blood I.P.
Fresh Frozen Plasma B.P.93.
Immuno Histo Chemistry.
CRYO Precipitate U.S.P.
Concentrated Human R.B.C I.P.
Immuno Histo Chemistry.
Platelet Concentrate U.S.P.